The Laboratory is governed by a Board of Trustees of up to 40 members that meets three or four times a year. Authority to act for the Board of Trustees between meetings is vested in the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees. The Executive Committee is composed of the Officers of the Board and any other members who may be elected to the Executive Committee by the Board of Trustees. Additional standing and ad hoc committees are appointed by the Board of Trustees to provide guidance and advice in specific areas of the Laboratory鈥檚 operations.
Representation on the Board of Trustees itself is divided between business and community leaders and scientists from major educational and research institutions.
The Laboratory is chartered as an educational and research institution by the Board of Regents of the Education Department of the State of New York. It is authorized to operate a graduate program under the name 鈥湶鼐, School of Biological Sciences鈥 and confer the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Master of Science (M.S.), and Doctor of Science (Sc.D.), Honorary.
The Laboratory is designated as a 鈥減ublic charity鈥 under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Marilyn H. Simons, Ph.D.
Vice Chair
Charles I. Cogut
Vice Chair
Robert D. Lindsay
Vice Chair
Paul J. Taubman
Elizabeth McCaul
Robert W. Lourie, Ph.D.
President and CEO
Bruce W. Stillman, Ph.D.
Chief Operating Officer
John P. Tuke, MBA, MPhil
Life Trustee
Jamie C. Nicholls,
Chair Emeritus
Christine Anderson
Senior Managing Director Global Public Affairs and Marketing,
David Boies
Boies, Schiller & Flexner LLP
Michael R. Botchan, Ph.D.
Richard and Rhoda Goldman Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry University of California, Berkeley
Mark L. Claster
Managing Partner
Carl Marks Advisors
Carl Marks
Elizabeth Cogan Fascitelli
Goldman, Sachs & Co., (Retired Partner)
Charles I. Cogut, Vice Chair
Retired Partner,
Simpson Thacher & Barlett, LLP
Elaine Fuchs, Ph.D.
Rebecca C. Lancefield Professor/HHMI Investigator
Rockefeller University/Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Ellen V. Futter
President Emerita, American Museum of Natural History
Mark Hamer
President, Harvest Real Estate Services, Inc.
Tracy L. Johnson, Ph.D.
Professor of Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology
Cecilia and Keith Terasaki Presidential Endowed Chair
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professor
Dean, Division of Life Sciences at UCLA
Jeffrey E. Kelter
Chief Executive Officer of KSH Capital & Chairman of Jack Creek Investment Corp.
Laurie J. Landeau, V.M.D.
General Manager
Listowel, Inc.
Robert D. Lindsay, Vice Chair
Co-Managing Partner
Lindsay Goldberg LLC
Robert W. Lourie, Ph.D., Secretary
Head of Future Research
Renaissance Technologies LLC
Thomas H. Lister
Permira Advisers LLC
Elizabeth McCaul, Treasurer
ECB Representative, Supervisory Board
European Central Bank
Howard L. Morgan, Ph.D.
Chairman, B Capital Group
Managing Member, MFCIF, LLC
Jeanne Moutoussamy-Ashe
New York, NY
Jamie C. Nicholls,
Chair Emeritus
New York, NY
Lyon Polk
The Polk Wealth Management Group at Morgan Stanley
Bruce Ratner
New York, NY
Geoffrey Robertson
Director of Business Assistance
Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund
Douglas Schloss
President and CEO
Rexford Management
Marilyn H. Simons, Ph.D., Chair
President, MJS Foundation
Co-chair, Simons Foundation
Laura Slatkin
Co-Founder and Board Chair
Bruce W. Stillman, Ph.D.
President and Chief Executive Officer
James M. Stone, Ph.D.
The Plymouth Rock Company
Karel Svoboda, Ph.D.
Vice President and Executive Director
Allen Institute for Neural Dynamics
Paul J. Taubman, Vice Chair
Chairman and CEO
PJT Partners Inc.
Diana L. Taylor
New York, NY
Honorary Trustees
Bayard Clarkson, M.D., Chair Emeritus
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Lola N. Grace
Middle East Children鈥檚 Institute
Leo A. Guthart
Founder and CEO
Topspin Partners
Nancy Abeles Marks
Nancy Marks Interiors and Carl Marks & Co., Inc.
Eduardo G. Mestre, Chair Emeritus
Vice Chairman
Evercore Partners
William S. Robertson
Robertson Foundation for Government
Roy J. Zuckerberg
Senior Director
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Board Committees
Marilyn Simons, Chair
Casey Cogut
Robert Lourie
Elizabeth McCaul
Howard Morgan
Jamie Nicholls
Bruce Stillman
Paul Taubman
Audit & Risk
Douglas Schloss, Chair
Lalit Bahl
Elizabeth Cogan Fascitelli
Leo Guthart (Honorary)
Thomas Lister
Elizabeth McCaul
Paul Taubman, Chair
Jeffrey Kelter
Robert Lindsay
Thomas Lister
Elizabeth McCaul
Bruce Ratner
Douglas Schloss
Marilyn Simons
Laura Slatkin
Bruce Stillman
Committees of the Laboratory
Academic Affairs
James Stone, Chair
Lalit Bahl
Michael Botchan
Elaine Fuchs
Jacob Goldfield
Tracy Johnson
Laurie Landeau
Robert Lourie
Bruce Stillman
Karel Svoboda
Howard Morgan, Chair
Christine Anderson
David Boies
Casey Cogut
Jeffrey Kelter
Laurie Landeau
Robert Lourie
Charlie Prizzi
Laura Slatkin
Bruce Stillman
Paul Taubman
Diana Taylor
John Tuke
Business Development
Frank Brosens
Bryan (Hunt) Lawrence
William Spire
James Stone
Paul Taubman
Andrew Whiteley
Commercial Relations
James Stone, Chair
Mark Claster
Casey Cogut
Robert Martienssen
Bruce Stillman
John Tuke
Christopher Vakoc
Andrew Whiteley
Compensation Review & Advisory
Marilyn Simons, Chair
Tracy Johnson
Jamie Nicholls
Douglas Schloss
Diana Taylor
DNA Learning Center
Laurie Landeau, Chair
Jeanne Moutoussamy-Ashe
Mark Claster
Casey Cogut
MaryAnne Gilmartin
Yolanda Lyle
Howard Morgan
Douglas Schloss
Marilyn Simons
Jeffrey Kelter, Chair
Elizabeth Ainslie
Hans Bosch
Elizabeth Cogan Fascitelli
Mark Hamer
Elaine Fuchs
Steven Monez
Frank Sciame
Bruce Stillman
John Tuke
Elizabeth McCaul, Chair
Elizabeth Cogan Fascitelli
Mark Hamer
Jamie Nicholls
Douglas Schloss
Marilyn Simons
John Tuke
Jamie Nicholls, Chair
Alan Breed
Elizabeth Cogan Fascitelli
Thomas Lister
Lyon Polk
Thomas Purcell
Boaz Sidikaro
John Tuke
Robertson Research Fund, Inc.
Board of Trustees
Bruce Stillman (President)
Geoffrey Robertson (Vice President)
Walter Goldschmidts
William Gridley
Leo Guthart
Walter Meier
Lyon Polk
Maud Robertson
Marilyn Simons
Investment Committee
William Gridley
Jamie Nicholls
Lyon Polk
Geoffrey Robertson
John Tuke
Non-board Committees
Archives Advisory
Richard Roberts, Chair
Janet Browne
Elof Carlson
Angela Creager
Walter Gilbert
Philip Goelet
John Hawkins
Nancy Hopkins
Jack Meyers
Siddhartha Mukherjee
Mila Pollock
Charlie Prizzi
Bruce Stillman
Jan Witkowski
Campaign Planning
Robert Lourie, Chair
Jeffrey Kelter, Vice Chair
Howard Morgan, Vice Chair
Diana Taylor, Vice Chair
Christine Anderson
David Boies
John Desmarais
Jacob Goldfield
Mark Hamer
Lyon Polk
Charlie Prizzi
Bruce Ratner
Marilyn Simons
Laura Slatkin
George Yancopoulos
Cancer Center External Advisory
Martine Roussel, Chair
Kornelia Polyak, Co-Chair
Marcia Cruz Correa
Chad Ellis
Michael Kastan
Richard Marais
Elaine Mardis
Larry Norton
Ramon Parsons
Dana Pe鈥檈r
Reuben Shaw
Robert Winn
Graduate School Executive
Zachary Lippman, Chair
Arkarup Banerjee
Camila dos Santos
Molly Gale Hammell
John Inglis
David Spector
Lloyd Trotman
LaboratorySchool of Biological Sciences Student Rep
Stony Brook University Student Rep
Graduate School External Advisory
Keith Yamamoto, Chair
Victor Corces
Gail Mandel
Barbara Meyer
Jodi Nunnari
Library Advisory
Mila Pollock
Sessen Iohannes
David Jackson
Zachary Lippman
Partha Mitra
David Spector
Leemor Joshua-Tor
John Tuke
Prabhadevi Venkataramani
Jacqueline Gunther
Scientific Advisory Council
Frederick Alt, Chair
Dominique Bergmann
Carol W. Greider
Markus Meister
Steven Salzberg
Amita Sehgal
Kevan M. Shokat
Max S. Wicha
Wei Yang
Simons Center for Quantitative Biology External Advisory
Steven Salzberg, Chair
Andrew Clark
David Donoho
Molly Przeworski
Eric Siggia
Eero Simoncelli
As of January 2025